BASICS OF BLOCKCHAIN - An overview of Blockchain in Software System.
My Favorite Quote...
An American entrepreneur and the chairman of The Bitcoin Foundation, Brock Pierce once said,
"Every smart person that I admire in the world, and those I semi-fear, is focused on this concept of crypto for a reason. They understand that this is the driving force of the fourth industrial revolution: Steam engine, electricity, then the microchip and blockchain and crypto is the fourth."
This implies that "Blockchain is the fourth industrial revolution and by all intent, it is here to stay."
The most intriguing question that has been answered in all forms through videos, articles, and graphics is, "WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN?"
Over time we have had scholars at different technical levels attempt to explain Blockchain from the perspective of different intellectual levels. We have seen explanations given for kids, teenagers, young adults, and mature adults.
In my search for the 'Meaning of Blockchain’, it has become very apparent that many of these tutors who have spent their time talking about the basics of Blockchain technology have been omitting the primary thing that makes Blockchain, a Blockchain. That is a SOFTWARE SYSTEM.
Brief metaphor: Imagine being taught about nutrients such as carbohydrates without knowing about foods that contain them.
That's what it's like to learn Blockchain without knowing what the Software system is all about.
Most people talk about Blockchain without addressing software systems and that is where the basic flaw lies in our attempt to understand Blockchain.
There is practically no Blockchain without a Software system.
This leads us to our introductory question, "What is Software System?"
According to TechTarget, "Software system is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer's hardware and application programs."
In simpler terms, because this is all about keeping it basic, the software system is made up of the information and programs used by a computer; and a computer here could be 'your phone' - a perfect example.
To understand Blockchain, the software system can be divided into two parts:
- Layers of a software system are grouped into two:
- Application Layer
- Implementation Layer - Aspects of a software system are also grouped into two:
- Functional aspects
- Non-functional aspects
This layer is comprised of the user's needs. What you need in your phone like listening to your kinds of music, taking selfies and snapshots of your favorite places, and booking flights and taxis.
This layer deals with how these things you need to be done are done. The complex network allows you to book your flights, edit your pixels, and share. It is very technical and is considered as ‘a means to an end.'
1. FUNCTIONAL ASPECT: These are the collective features that the consumers which includes you, are interested in when it comes to software systems. It involves the activities carried out by the software system by the consumers. These activities include taking photos and sending data across.
Brief metaphor: A verb in the English language means "to do", whatever is done using a software system to satisfy a consumer's need forms the collective features that make up the functional aspect.
2. NON-FUNCTIONAL ASPECT:The collective features found here are the features whose intrinsic nature is responsible for ensuring that the functional aspect is carried out. Examples of these features include User Interface, Security, and Integrity.
Brief metaphor: Adverb in the English language describes how an activity is carried out. This is exactly what the non-functional aspect is.
From this, we can comprehensibly derive that the Functional aspect of the application layer of a software system consists of the demands of the users (you and I) because they serve our conspicuous needs, the bases for why we purchase them.
So, basically, users are more interested in the functional aspect of the application layer of a software system.
What about Blockchain ?
What is Blockchain interested in? Where does it serve?
Blockchain is interested in the non-functional aspects of the Implementation layer.
The part that does the underlying work that enables you to enjoy the software system in your computers! This is where our next topic lies.
Hope you learned something new.
See you on DAY-2!
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